How Does Alcohol Affect the Brain and Central Nervous System


How Does Alcohol Affect the Brain and Central Nervous System

Alcohol alters the brain’s structure and it’s also labeled as a central nervous system depressant. It's highly threatening to a teenager's health and can cause major impacts on -the brain and central nervous system. Alcohol results in slowing down the brain activity, mood, and behavior of the person. Injuries and other negative effects are more likely when someone is under the influence of alcohol. Also, the brain structures responsible for maintaining balance, recall, communication, and judgment are all damaged.

How does Alcohol affect the Brain:

As per the reports of the national institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, The first thing that comes to mind when consuming too much alcohol is addiction. But alcohol is not only addictive but also damages the brain's structure. The brain is one of the vital parts of the human is the command center for the nervous system. Alcohol not only affects brain functions but also impacts other areas of life.

Alcohol is known to alter the brain's chemistry as well as the communication between neurons. Which can hurt a variety of mental processes, such as decision-making, coordination, and memory. In addition, alcohol affects the amount of neurotransmitters found in the brain, such as glutamate and GABA, both of which play an important part in controlling the activity of the brain.

However, drinking alcohol continuously can harm the brain and decrease cognitive function. Alcohol is associated with brain damage, which may reduce mental abilities like attention, memory, and problem-solving. This is because drinking alcohol can harm the white matter in your brain, which carries messages between different parts of your brain.

Effects of alcohol on the brain:

The human brain is one of the most complex and hardworking organs. It has different parts and it gets affected easily by alcohol consumption both occasionally and regularly.

     The cerebral cortex

     The Medulla

     The hippocampus

     The Cerebellum

     The Hypothalamus and the Pituitary

Long-Term Effects of Alcohol on the Brain:

Alcohol can have devastating and long-lasting consequences on the brain. Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome is brought on by long-term alcohol addiction and is marked by significant memory loss, confusion, and inability to coordinate movements.

However, there is a condition of the brain called alcohol-related brain damage (ARBD). It's brought on by chronic heavy drinking over years, or excessive drinking regularly.

Let's put light on a few more of the long-term effects of alcohol on the brain and the central nervous system.

      Delusions and Fits

     Lowered energy levels

     Loss of Brain density

     Memory problems and thiamine

     Nerve Damage

How does Alcohol Affect the Central Nervous System:

The brain and spinal cord make up the CNS, and they are responsible for controlling many different processes in the body. Slow time to react, communication, and reflexes are all effects of alcohol's influence on the central nervous system.

Alcohol also affects the central nervous system by enhancing the production of endorphins, the body's natural painkillers. For this reason, drinking alcohol can temporarily boost one's mood. Alcohol is classified as a central nervous system depressant. It means it slows down the functioning of nerve cells. However, once endorphin levels have returned to normal, excessive alcohol drinking can cause a condition of sadness and anxiety.

Furthermore, alcohol consumption both for a longer period and a shorter period has its own consequences. Let's discover them below.

Long-term effects on the central nervous system:

Abuse of alcohol over a long period badly affects the brain and central nervous system, leaving the drinker more vulnerable to diseases. Let’s explore how does alcohol affects the brain and central nervous system.

     High blood pressure

     Reduced bone density

     Memory loss and shocks

     Stroke caused by excessive blood pressure

     liver disease resulting from pancreatitis

     liver cancer

     cancer of the mouth


Short-term effects on the central nervous system:

Here are some short-term effects of alcohol on the brain and central nervous system.

     Difficulty walking

     Blurred eyesight and memory

     trouble while speaking

     slower response time

 How does alcohol affect the brain of a teenager:

Some of the most common effects alcohol has on the brain of a teenager is the impaired cognitive functions, altered brain structure, heightened risk of addiction, and emotional and mental health issues. This is because high alcohol consumption promotes risky behaviors, and reduced brain volume results in affecting the hemispheres of teenagers. However, the root cause is to know how does alcohol affects the brain and central nervous system.

Teenagers' minds have negative impacts of alcohol as their brains under developing processes. Teenagers who consume alcohol are more likely to experience problems with memory, coordination, and learning. However, the Effects of alcohol on a teenager’s brain are greater when consumed regularly. Let’s put light on some of these effects.

     Poor judgment

     Difficulties in learning new information

     Sudden increase or decrease in weight


     Strange behavior

How to prevent it?

Teenagers’ minds undergo a lot of changes under growing age. There are a number of ways to prevent them from the damaging effects of alcohol. Parents play a vital role in this regard. To prevent teenagers from the harmful effects of alcohol we must develop effective programs. However, firstly it's necessary to find causes of use.

     Education both on a personal and professional level

     Encouraging dialogue 

     Active family involvement

     Improvement of the parent-child relationship by providing a positive environment, problem-solving behavior, and excellent communication skills.

     discipline and rulemaking

     Monitoring Teenager’s Brains under growing years

     Make stronger family bonding

     Setting a positive example


That was all by us, we discussed how does alcohol affects the brain and central nervous system. It affects teenager’s minds and how to prevent them.

While moderate alcohol consumption may not cause any major damage but regular consumption does. It can lead to severe effects on the brain and central nervous system.

Alcohol’s effect on a teenager's brain is particularly significant because it's a developing process. Understanding the effects of long-term alcohol use is essential for raising awareness. However, Education, open communication, and encouraging dialogue are key to lessening the risk. However, alcohol misuse can affect both the mental and physical health of an individual.

If you or someone in your life is struggling with alcohol addiction, treatment, and prevention can help you overcome this addiction. All alcoholics are not alike so everyone has different effects and symptoms. However, it's important to know that the brain and central nervous system play a vital role in our well-being. And how does alcohol affect the brain and central nervous system? However, All alcoholics are not alike so everyone has different effects and symptoms.
